Hello, My name is SFC. Dustin Edwards, I am with the Leavenworth R.O.T.C, which mind you is one of the oldest
R.O.T.C programs in the U.S.A. Find out what it takes to become a leader in the R.O.T.C program. Endurance, Confidence,
Strategy and the capability to lead others into hard-times and have the confidence within your self and your squad (team members), is the
most important thing you need to succeed. I hope you learn what you need to and decide to take on a challenge in your
life to become one with the service.
Updates will be made daily, about anything from advances in technology to a promotion I got so we will see wont
Second Lieutenant has alot of meaning |

You Work Hard To Earn This |
What's Entitled For The Years To Come For Me In The R.O.T.C Program?
For the Next year I have earned
the title as soon as I get back as the S-3, which is the “Right-Hand-Man” of the LTC. Which is a high respected
position to be in especially as a sophomore. I will be promoted to a Sergeant or a Sergeant First Class depending on who the
LTC. is next year. I will be commanding a junior guard next year and I will also be a squad leader for one of the company’s
(Alpha - Foxtrot) I have a busy sophomore year, we will see how it goes.