I am 17, I have Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, I'm about 6 foot tall and I weigh 135 lbs. I am in
great physical Condition but I am still working on that at the time. My time in ROTC has shown me that I have the
capability to take a group of people and teach them to the peak of there capabilities, whether its in Rifle Drill or
Squad Drill I have the power to take a group of people and move them from point to point in an orderly fashion. ROTC has also
showed that I have great qualities like people skills and leadership skills. You have to be able to jump out on a
limb and do the un-expected.
I am Currently a Sergeant First Class in the R.O.T.C program, As a Sergeant
First Class I have developed my leadership skills and people skills to a more defined trait than they
already were. I am an platoon leader which means I am the most important person in the20 people and make sure they know
what there doing and what they need to do. The greatest era of success would but as a higher rank such as a SFC
that way I can teach as much as possible and put my knowledge in use for the other cadets under me and actually
earn their respect. Using my knowledge of the R.O.T.C program and the knowledge
of higher authorities, assures that a mission or task will be complete in a fashionable, and timely manner.
Taking a break from work
What a job!
I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what I do, what I like best about it, and even some
of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)