Superior Cadet Decoration Award |
Region Commander's Leadership
Award |
Camp Commander's Leadership
Award |
Platoon Leadership Award |
Physical Proficiency Award |
Military Proficiency Award |
Superior at Advanced Camp |
Excellence at Advanced Camp |
Advanced Camp Graduate |
Region Ranger Challenge Winner |
Brigade Ranger Challenge Winner |
Ranger Challenge Team Member |
Drill Team |
Color Guard |
Battalion Commander's Military
Award |
One-Shot-One-Kill Award |
One-Shot-One-Kill Award |
Bold Challenge |
Basic Camp Graduate |
Dean's List Award |
Cadet Honors Award |
Cadet Scholar Award |
Highest jump in Semester GPA |
ROTC Honors |
Battalion Commander's Academic
Award |
Not currently used |
Not currently used |
Not currently used |
Not currently used |
Platinum Medal Athlete |
Gold Medal Athlete |
Silver Medal Athlete |
Bronze Medal Athlete |
Most Improved Award |
Battalion Commander's Athletic
Award |
Not currently used |
Battalion Commander's discretion |
Battalion Commander's discretion |
Battalion Commander's discretion |
Battalion Commander's discretion |
Battalion Commander's discretion |
CTLT Ribbon |
from Fraternal & Social Organizations |
1812 General's Society |
AFCEA Academic Excellence
Award |
American Legion Gold Academic
Award |
American Legion Silver Academic
Award |
American Legion Silver Academic
Award |
American Legion Silver Military
Award |
American Veterans Outstanding
Cadet Award |
Reserve Officer's Association
Bronze Award |
Military Order of World
Wars Gold Award |
Military Order of World
Wars Silver Award |
Military Order of World
Wars Bronze Award |
Daughters of the American
Revolution |
Sons of the American
Revolution |
AUSA History Award |
AUSA Member |
SAME Academic Award |