Good communication is vital to the Army. Any message that isnt understood
can have critical consequences. The Army relies on the phonetic alphabet to clarify communications. This is the approved Army
alphabet that the recruits learn in Basic Training.
A - Alpha B - Bravo C - Charlie D - Delta E -
Echo F - Foxtrot G - Golf H - Hotel I - India J -
Juliet K - Kilo L - Lima M - Mike
- November O - Oscar P - Papa Q - Quebec R - Romeo S -
Sierra T - Tango U - Uniform V - Victory W - Whiskey X
- X-ray Y - Yankee Z - Zulu
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Please help support my Website and the Jrotc Program. JROTC here in leavenworth is about to close unless they can come
up with enough money to support all the cadets we have comeing in. Thank you and God Bless America.